Monday, May 19, 2008

Tabitha's Dance Recital

Yesterday was Tabitha's dance recital and she did so great! Josh and I were so proud of her that she did all of her dance and she was so proud of herself. She had so much fun. Most of you know that our little girl lives for the moments that she can be on stage (she comes by it naturally of course from Josh and I). She has been counting down the days until her recital for months now. Here are some pictures and the video (if I can figure out how) from our little diva's moment in the spotlight. Enjoy!

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

Strawberry Pickin' Time!

This month we went strawberry picking at a local field. Auntie Rachel and Becky came too and we had a very fun time. We will probably be going back again very soon. The strawberry's were delicious, unlike anything I have tasted.

First Zoo Trip

This April we decided to take a trip to the Atlanta Zoo. This was Tabitha (and Mommy's) first time there and Daddy has not been since he was in middle school. We had a great time and we look forward to doing it again sometime. Here are some pictures from the day. Enjoy!

So much for my resolution!

Hello Everyone,
Well it is evident that I have not done well with this blogging thing. I had good intentions, but alas, I have failed miserably! We are a little less than three weeks away from meeting our new baby girl. Hopefully she is the motivation that I need to start doing this thing right. Here's Hoping!