Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Two months and counting

Our little Aria is two months old now. She is growing so fast! She coos and squeals all day long and loves to kick at her rattles. At her 2 month visit she weighed almost 13lbs, keeping right up with her big sister. Tabitha is really starting to enjoy her more and more, she still loves being a big sister. Here are some pictures from this month. Enjoy!

Summer with Auntie Rachel

This month Rachel got to stay with us for several days and we had a blast at Stone Mountain Park at the new sky hike there. The girls really enojyed the little kids course and the rock climb and as you can see mom and dad got in on it too! The actual sky hike was a different story though, the girls had fun but there where some screams and tears that accompanied the journey. Most of the course had nothing to hold on to at all and we were about two stories off the ground. Mommy won't be doing that one again with them any time soon!!